I love plants! I especially love planting things that I can eat later, although I tolerate flowers and other frivolous plants as well. So, about a week ago, Karen and I bought a peat-moss starter tray and a bunch of seeds: basil, cilantro, thyme, parsley, grape tomatoes, jalapenos, green peppers, and regular-sized heirloom tomatoes. Hmmmmm...not a lot of variety, now that I look at the list. Mainly peppers, tomatoes, and stuff to season them with. Oh well. If all goes as planned, we'll probably get some more plants and/or seeds.
Anyway, we started the seeds about a week ago, and almost all of them have sprouted already! I'm so excited. Today was sunny and warmer (50-ish), so when I got home from my sewing job, I set the tray outside in the sun and gave the sprouts a little pep talk. They are so adorable and happy-looking! I'm so thrilled to be growing things. Especially food, as I mentioned.
Can't wait for Karen to go get some things out of her storage unit in a couple weeks--she's bringing back a tiller! Hurray! Because let me tell you, the ground in our lawn is rock-hard. Spring can't come soon enough. I am just itching to get out in the dirt and start the garden up.
Bring me some jalapenos as soon as they're ready, please. I love, love fresh jalapenos!