Well, in short, it doesn't. I seem to have the touch of death for potted plants in general. I killed off a bunch of them last summer, and the one before, but it has finally started to sink in. I just cannot grow plants in confined spaces. I've never had this kind of trouble gardening in the dirt. I don't understand.
The adorable little sproutlets that I've been writing about? Mostly dead. Between alternately being dried out, and then left outside in an unforseen downpour, almost all of the brave little dears have succumbed. The only ones doing really well despite it all are the peppers. They are hardy little things. Most of the heirloom tomatoes are still alive, albeit looking very anemic. And then there are one or two grape tomatoes and parsley still clinging to life. I'd try to rush them into the soil (they are still in their germination planter), but we are thinking of moving closer to Karen's job. I just don't know what to do with them. I'd go ahead and put them in the big pots that I have, but like I said before, I've not had much luck keeping plants alive in them.
Also, I've been having some relationship difficulties of late. We are trying to work it out, but the good side to all of it is that I have been doing a lot of thinking about gender, desire, and such. I am still working on it, but I'll have a post up soon.
Oh! And women's football season is upon us! The Chattanooga Locomotion's first game is this coming Saturday at 7 pm! If you are in the area, please do come to Red Bank High School and watch the game...keeping an eye out for Yours Truly with a 53 on my jersey! Check out the Locomotion website for more info and game schedules. There's even a picture of me in the roster section!
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