Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Football Pics

I thought you might want to see what we look like. =) Oh, and this is just practice. We are way more awesome on the field.

How the Garden Grows, Pt. 3

Well, in short, it doesn't. I seem to have the touch of death for potted plants in general. I killed off a bunch of them last summer, and the one before, but it has finally started to sink in. I just cannot grow plants in confined spaces. I've never had this kind of trouble gardening in the dirt. I don't understand.

The adorable little sproutlets that I've been writing about? Mostly dead. Between alternately being dried out, and then left outside in an unforseen downpour, almost all of the brave little dears have succumbed. The only ones doing really well despite it all are the peppers. They are hardy little things. Most of the heirloom tomatoes are still alive, albeit looking very anemic. And then there are one or two grape tomatoes and parsley still clinging to life. I'd try to rush them into the soil (they are still in their germination planter), but we are thinking of moving closer to Karen's job. I just don't know what to do with them. I'd go ahead and put them in the big pots that I have, but like I said before, I've not had much luck keeping plants alive in them.

Also, I've been having some relationship difficulties of late. We are trying to work it out, but the good side to all of it is that I have been doing a lot of thinking about gender, desire, and such. I am still working on it, but I'll have a post up soon.

Oh! And women's football season is upon us! The Chattanooga Locomotion's first game is this coming Saturday at 7 pm! If you are in the area, please do come to Red Bank High School and watch the game...keeping an eye out for Yours Truly with a 53 on my jersey! Check out the Locomotion website for more info and game schedules. There's even a picture of me in the roster section!

Friday, March 26, 2010


Hey guys. I am totally working on some stuff I want to blog about. Some of it is even kinda serious! Well, in a not-nekkid-pictures-or-funny-vids way. Anywho. I promise I will get around to it soon. I have no reason not to, other than the fact that I just really don't want to do much of anything at all these days.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

HNT~Not So Naked

Hello, dear readers. Well, it's still Thursday, barely, and I just don't have anything nekkid and spicy lined up for you. However, you simply MUST check out Lesbians Who Look Like Justin Bieber. It's not naked, not at all, but it has provided me with hours of giggles and entertainment! Who doesn't like lesbians that look like 15-year-old boys? I know I love them, personally. I was just suprised there are SO DAMN MANY OF THEM!! Makes me feel almost a little pedophile-y to see 'em all. Hee. Here's one (ok, two) of my favorites (so hard to chose just one!) to give you an idea.

Does he not look like an adorable lesbian?

Does she not look like an adorable teenage boi?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

How the Garden Grows, Pt. 2

This past week has been a checkered one in regards to my gardening efforts. First of all, I have more adorable little sproutlings! Now all of the seeds we started have sprouted. The jalapenos were slow to come up, and I had almost given up on the bell peppers altogether, but they finally decided to pop up for some fresh air! I'm so happy that all the little sprouts are growing well. In fact, I had to thin some out because I got a little heavy-handed with the thyme. Well--the seeds are tiny! You try getting just two or three seeds in each pot.

Now, on to the bad news. My stupid diva-cat Cher ATE some of the sprouts!! She actually beheaded them.  I was so upset! She only got a few of them, but I'm having to leave the plastic cover on the starter tray when I am out of the house so that she won't devour the rest.

Also, my compost pit has become a compost soup. It has rained here off and on for most of the last week, and my back yard has exceptionally bad drainage. It usually turns into a mini-pond back there when we get rain, but I put the compost pit at the very back of the yard where the ground is higher. I admit, I wasn't thinking about rain when I did it, but the puddles are never in that area. They are always right up near the house (wonderful, I know). But...I should have known. The soil in the yard is almost pure clay, which is probably why it drains so poorly. So yes, I went back to the compost pit to put in some new veggie scraps, oh I don't know, maybe Thursday or Friday. It wasn't raining at the time, and hadn't been for a long while, so I didn't expect what I found: a hole full of muddy water, with kitchen scraps and yard clippings drifting sadly in it. I am at a loss. I think I have to declare this compost pit a failure, and think about building a bin.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spring...it's on the ground.

Well, it's definitely Spring. Despite the fact that it has been rainy for the last half-week, I see the signs! For instance, the tree in my front yard (some kind of deciduous tree...not an oak...) bloomed yesterday. I came home and the little blossomy bits were all over the sidewalk. And the irises that are planted around the tree are coming up. Can't wait for them to bloom! Oh, and I saw daffodils yesterday! Daffodils! I just love Spring.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

HNT~Michelle Rodriguez

Yay! This is where I get to put up more half-naked pictures! And for today's viewing pleasure, I give you.......Michelle Rodriguez!

What? Not naked, you say? No, maybe not, but she is the most heavenly creature in that dress! I really don't go for girly-girls, but I seriously heart M.Rod. Maybe it's because in most of her movies, she is dirty and/or angry most of the time? I mean, this woman has a stellar snarl. Even her mug shots are kinda hot (which probably says something unflattering about what I find hot...). Anyway, here are a couple more pics, including one dirty one.

Ha ha, this dirty picture wasn't what you were expecting, huh?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Spring has been in the air all week so far. That's one of the reasons I have been neglecting this blog; I'd rather be outside in the balmy air (Monday was 73 degrees!), murmuring sweet nothings to the precious little sprouts, than inside writing about it. I also started a compost pit this week! Sadly, I haven't had a whole lot of compostables to put in it, but one can hope.

Today isn't so beautiful. It's grey, overcast, and only in the 50's, but that still feels warm compared to the preceeding few weeks. Whatever. I still feel the vernal vibes! And in keeping with that, here's a picture I found yesterday. I love it to death! It's my desktop wallpaper at the moment. The title alone is enough to make anyone feel a little happier.

Goldylocks & the Sunshine Bunnies!! Sounds like a band, doesn't it? I adore it. This image comes from Viona Art, a wonderful photographer who does "Fairytale Photography and Costume Design." Most of her work is deliciously dark, but I found a few pretty little confections, and I just had to share the Sunshine Bunnies with you today. Happy Pre-Spring!

Friday, March 5, 2010

How the Garden Grows, Pt. 1

I love plants! I especially love planting things that I can eat later, although I tolerate flowers and other frivolous plants as well. So, about a week ago, Karen and I bought a peat-moss starter tray and a bunch of seeds: basil, cilantro, thyme, parsley, grape tomatoes, jalapenos, green peppers, and regular-sized heirloom tomatoes. Hmmmmm...not a lot of variety, now that I look at the list. Mainly peppers, tomatoes, and stuff to season them with. Oh well. If all goes as planned, we'll probably get some more plants and/or seeds.

Anyway, we started the seeds about a week ago, and almost all of them have sprouted already! I'm so excited. Today was sunny and warmer (50-ish), so when I got home from my sewing job, I set the tray outside in the sun and gave the sprouts a little pep talk. They are so adorable and happy-looking! I'm so thrilled to be growing things. Especially food, as I mentioned.

Can't wait for Karen to go get some things out of her storage unit in a couple weeks--she's bringing back a tiller! Hurray! Because let me tell you, the ground in our lawn is rock-hard. Spring can't come soon enough. I am just itching to get out in the dirt and start the garden up.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

HNT~Half-Nekkid Thursday

I am an enthusiastic supporter of HNT. It's great: just titillating enough to be fun, but not so graphic as to be traumatizing. And so, without further ado, I present my half-nekkid offering of the week.

I figured that I should have myself up before I start gleefully revealing other sexy, partially-clad creatures. Plus it has been so freakin' cold here lately that I when I found this picture of me sunning in the back yard last summer, I had to use it. It was great fun...Karen (my girlfriend) was appalled that I would be outside topless. Relax, I was on my stomach most of the time and none of the neighbors were outside! And now I have a picture to remind myself that yes, it actually does get warm enough to be outside without clothes.

Because HNT just isn't the same without a hot butch with minimal clothing.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Rage Against The Machine

I. Am. So. Frustrated!!

Let me back up: I have a lovely little internship at a shop called Retro Mercantile. We specialize in unique, handmade clothing and accessories, as well as doing custom dresses, costumes, etc. Anything that I sew, I get to sell in the store for a commission. I really enjoy it...I get paid to sew and be generally artsy two or three times a week. What's not to love, you say? The stupid sewing machines, that's what!

First mine broke several weeks ago. I was using it to my great satisfaction at home one day, but alas! after being transported to the shop later that morning, it stopped working properly. The tension was out of whack, and no amount of dial-fiddling or unplugging or rethreadding could get it fixed. A friend says the same thing happened to hers, which is the same make and model as mine. Hmmmmm.

Then last week, I was using my boss's machine at the shop, when it suddenly locked up. We are lucky to have a former sewing maching repairman who does construction in the building. He looked at it, oiled it, and got it running perfectly again, only to have the tensioner die while my boss was using it the next day! That's three of the same brand of machines that I know of that have had the tensioner break. I smell a manufacturing defect! However, I somehow doubt that the maker of said machines will see it that way.

So I sat around at work today, doing mostly nothing. I cut out the pieces for a new project, and priced some new items to sell, and hunted around online for project inspiration. Other than that...not much. For having done nothing but kill time, I am surprisingly worn out. Eh.

On a lighter note, when I was trolling for broken sewing machine pictures, look what I found:

I must have this adorable little beastie! 

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Hello Daddy, Hello Mom!

Well, there are definitely some good things that come out of being unemployed and/or barely employed. One of those perks is the fact that I have loads of time on my hands most days, particularly since my car and sewing machine are both broken.

In that free time, I've taken to reading blogs. Most of the ones I follow are fabulous, touching, entertaining, funny, or instructive--or all of the above. So here's my offering to the Gods of Blog. It might be ho-hum, irritating, boring, sad, or decidedly unhelpful, but I hope not. Mostly it'll probably be random bits and bobs that strike my fancy in some way. Here goes!