Thursday, March 4, 2010

HNT~Half-Nekkid Thursday

I am an enthusiastic supporter of HNT. It's great: just titillating enough to be fun, but not so graphic as to be traumatizing. And so, without further ado, I present my half-nekkid offering of the week.

I figured that I should have myself up before I start gleefully revealing other sexy, partially-clad creatures. Plus it has been so freakin' cold here lately that I when I found this picture of me sunning in the back yard last summer, I had to use it. It was great fun...Karen (my girlfriend) was appalled that I would be outside topless. Relax, I was on my stomach most of the time and none of the neighbors were outside! And now I have a picture to remind myself that yes, it actually does get warm enough to be outside without clothes.

Because HNT just isn't the same without a hot butch with minimal clothing.

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