Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Rage Against The Machine

I. Am. So. Frustrated!!

Let me back up: I have a lovely little internship at a shop called Retro Mercantile. We specialize in unique, handmade clothing and accessories, as well as doing custom dresses, costumes, etc. Anything that I sew, I get to sell in the store for a commission. I really enjoy it...I get paid to sew and be generally artsy two or three times a week. What's not to love, you say? The stupid sewing machines, that's what!

First mine broke several weeks ago. I was using it to my great satisfaction at home one day, but alas! after being transported to the shop later that morning, it stopped working properly. The tension was out of whack, and no amount of dial-fiddling or unplugging or rethreadding could get it fixed. A friend says the same thing happened to hers, which is the same make and model as mine. Hmmmmm.

Then last week, I was using my boss's machine at the shop, when it suddenly locked up. We are lucky to have a former sewing maching repairman who does construction in the building. He looked at it, oiled it, and got it running perfectly again, only to have the tensioner die while my boss was using it the next day! That's three of the same brand of machines that I know of that have had the tensioner break. I smell a manufacturing defect! However, I somehow doubt that the maker of said machines will see it that way.

So I sat around at work today, doing mostly nothing. I cut out the pieces for a new project, and priced some new items to sell, and hunted around online for project inspiration. Other than that...not much. For having done nothing but kill time, I am surprisingly worn out. Eh.

On a lighter note, when I was trolling for broken sewing machine pictures, look what I found:

I must have this adorable little beastie! 

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