Monday, March 15, 2010

How the Garden Grows, Pt. 2

This past week has been a checkered one in regards to my gardening efforts. First of all, I have more adorable little sproutlings! Now all of the seeds we started have sprouted. The jalapenos were slow to come up, and I had almost given up on the bell peppers altogether, but they finally decided to pop up for some fresh air! I'm so happy that all the little sprouts are growing well. In fact, I had to thin some out because I got a little heavy-handed with the thyme. Well--the seeds are tiny! You try getting just two or three seeds in each pot.

Now, on to the bad news. My stupid diva-cat Cher ATE some of the sprouts!! She actually beheaded them.  I was so upset! She only got a few of them, but I'm having to leave the plastic cover on the starter tray when I am out of the house so that she won't devour the rest.

Also, my compost pit has become a compost soup. It has rained here off and on for most of the last week, and my back yard has exceptionally bad drainage. It usually turns into a mini-pond back there when we get rain, but I put the compost pit at the very back of the yard where the ground is higher. I admit, I wasn't thinking about rain when I did it, but the puddles are never in that area. They are always right up near the house (wonderful, I know). But...I should have known. The soil in the yard is almost pure clay, which is probably why it drains so poorly. So yes, I went back to the compost pit to put in some new veggie scraps, oh I don't know, maybe Thursday or Friday. It wasn't raining at the time, and hadn't been for a long while, so I didn't expect what I found: a hole full of muddy water, with kitchen scraps and yard clippings drifting sadly in it. I am at a loss. I think I have to declare this compost pit a failure, and think about building a bin.

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